This year will mark the end of the “Markin era” for the City of Castlegar.
Director of Development Services Phil Markin is preparing to retire. He has worked for the city for over 30 years.
Audio PlayerMarkin will remain with the city until the end of the year in order to mentor his replacement. Director of Public Works Lucas Pitts will eventually step into Markin’s role and will hold both director positions. Markin is confident Pitts will do well when he takes over.
Audio PlayerThe amalgamation of the Director of Development Services and Director of Public Works positions will allow the city to save money to hire a new full time mechanic. The city also plans to add an office assistant for Public Works.
Markin says he has a few plans for when he steps into retirement.
Audio PlayerMayor Lawrence Chernoff credits staff at City Hall for being able to facilitate the change.