Consultation on how Rossland’s heritage should be preserved is open to residents right now and will be used in a Heritage Management Plan. Mayor Kathy Moore says that doesn’t just mean historical buildings.
“Some of Rossland’s heritage, it’s gold mining, but it’s also mountain biking or skiing or things that aren’t quite as old as old as you think. When you think heritage, you think it’s old and musty and that’s not it at all. It’s really what people value about our community and what we can do to preserve it and maintain it.”
The feedback will factor into some broader work coming up Mayor Moore explains.
“Were going to be revisiting our Official Community Plan and our Strategic Sustainability Plan. Both of those are over 10 years old now, they need to be revised and one of the things with that is heritage, arts and culture, environmental concerns.”
There’s an online survey up right now on the City’s website. As stated on the website the Heritage Management Plan will “use community input to create a vision and actions for the conservation of a community’s heritage. The plan takes into account all of the features that matter to a community and that have heritage value. The plan will include strategies and tools for protection and management.”
The project was made possible by grant funding from the Columbia Basin Trust.