Trail City Council recently chose not to support a Bylaw that’s being proposed by the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB). The regional district is asking for the possibility to increase the requisition limit for the regional Culture, Arts and Recreation Service up to 25 per cent over five years. Mayor Lisa Pasin explains that council was concerned that there’s no detailed plan in place for the additional funds.
“At this time council deemed that to be excessive, particularly when it’s not linked to any expenditures over the five years.”
She adds a two per cent increase year over year is more sustainable for tax payers.
Seven partners in the East End Service have to individually vote on the Bylaw with a two thirds majority for it to pass. Mayor Pasin says Trail council’s decision will be passed on to the RDKB and they will wait to see the result from the other partners. Those include Warfield, Rossland, Fruitvale, Montrose and Regional District areas A and B.
The RDKB is anticipating maintenance and upgrading at the Greater Trail Community Centre down the road with asset management planning underway. The Bailey Theatre and Selkirk College are both located in the building and a comprehensive plan on how to renew and replace the windows, exterior doors, roof, and exterior is underway. At this point though it’s mainly research than any investments. The major projects this year are an elevator refurbishment program which is expected to last a few years and upgrading for the theatre’s lighting and other systems are being looked at.
The funds would help cover the costs, but the full 25 per cent might not be required, as it’s still unknown what exactly the costs will be. The idea is to have the funding in place if it’s needed. The RDKB has the capacity to lift the requisition limit every five years, which is why the Bylaw has come up for discussion. Through the annual planning process the RDKB also charges to cover the costs needed to maintain and operate the building, which is only expected to be a two per cent increase this year.
The RDKB’s budget process is expected to be wrapped up by the end of March. There are open houses being held and an online engagement website where you can learn more and get involved.