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HomeNewsBudget talks continue for Castlegar and District Rec Commission

Budget talks continue for Castlegar and District Rec Commission

Early budget discussions are underway for the Castlegar and District Rec Commission. Rural Director for Area I Andy Davidoff has voiced concern with increasing the maximum that can be taxed for the Complex by 25 per cent, and voted against the move. He feels it’s a back door way of overriding the referendum. Commission Chair Bergen Price feels the grant opportunity for upgrades to the Complex was too good to pass up.

“Instead of a $20-million loan over 20 years, we’re looking for potentially a $5-million loan over five years. So the payment period is less, the amount that we’re actually having to contribute to the upgrades is less.”

Davidoff also wants to see a proposed 10 per cent tax increase for the two services at the Complex reduced to five percent with the difference coming from reserves. The Regional District of Central Kootenay Board of Directors have referred Davidoff’s suggestions back to the Rec Commission which will be discussed at their Tuesday meeting.

Price isn’t sure using money from reserves is the best strategy going forward.

“I would think you’d want to find a level of taxation that actually increases your reserves, so that if any emergencies come up, you’re prepared. And then down the road if you have large scale projects or even projects that may be coming up with great opportunities, then you have the ability to lessen the tax burden on these projects.”

With the grant application also in the mix this year, Price says there’s more to consider during the budget process.

“The grant that’s coming in is supposed to take care of some of the items that are on the ‘need to do list’ at the Complex, but also we have to somehow create a budget that says, if we don’t get any money in, then what does that look like too.”

He adds discussions are still in the very early stages and doesn’t want to put the cart before the horse.

The Rec Commission meets on Tuesday, March 5 in the Columbia Room at the Rec Complex starting at 5:00 PM.

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