Seven new buses are on the way this year for the Kootenay Lake School District. There’s a reason Board Chair Lenora Trenaman is especially excited for these additions.
“They are going to be equipped with double bays so it provides wheel chair access. Also can accommodate for field trips like ski trips and more accessible for students bringing their music equipment to school.”
The school received eighte new buses last year.
This year’s funds are part of over $2.4-million from the Province. Other improvements that will be made around the district include the removal of old flooring which may contain asbestos.
“Many of our schools are quite old, so the flooring, you know, it’s well worn and we’re dealing with things like asbestos so it’s great to have this funding come in to attend to health and safety issues and of course, cosmetically. It’ll be great.”
The shop at L.V. Rogers will be better equipped as well with a new dust collector.
“It’s really important to clean the air so that we’re breathing fresher clean air and not ingesting it in our lungs.”
Trenaman is grateful for the increased injection of funds from the province; however, she says in order to fit the needs of the district, they need more from the Annual Facilities Grant. For larger projects like building a new school outright in Nelson, Trenaman says she is cautiously optimistic that the province will support the district in that endeavor.