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Regional Director happy to see high speed internet coming to the Slocan Valley

Director for Regional District of Central Kootenay Area H (Slocan Valley), Walter Popoff, is very happy with Friday’s announcement that high speed internet is coming to the region. Residents will finally have a proper connection, but on a larger scale, he also highlights the economic benefits to come.

“An ability for people to move into the area, businesses, etc. It’s going to be a benefit for the villages, especially New Denver, Silverton, Slocan and everybody else in the area.”

He also highlights that there will likely be a positive impact for schools, health services, and public safety.

Area H Director Walter Popoff voiced his support at Friday’s announcement regarding high speed internet for the Slocan Valley

Like MLA Katrine Conroy’s office and the Columbia Basin Trust, Popoff says it was a priority that he heard about from many residents.

“Almost continuously people were calling me, sending me e-mails about our low speed broadband connectivity.”

There is some work ahead first, he iterates. The over $7-million project is funded by the provincial government, Columbia Basin Trust and Regional District. The infrastructure will run from the Playmore Junction to north of Nakusp. The Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation is expected to start work shortly.

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