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HomeNewsSelkirk Saints unveil refreshed logo

Selkirk Saints unveil refreshed logo

Selkirk College wanted the public’s thoughts recently on the Selkirk Saints name and logo.

“It was very apparent that people care very much about our athletic program, and rather than us going out and just changing things without asking our key stakeholders what they thought, we thought we’d go and canvas and see what people’s opinions were,” said Vice President of Students and Advancement John Kincaid.

There were about 200 thoughts collected using Rossland based Thoughtexchange. The feedback indicated that people like the Saints name but wanted a refresher of the logo.

“When you look at the new logo the mountains are pretty prominent, so what we heard from the feedback, people wanted a strong tie to our community and where we live,” explained Kincaid.

There’s also a shield around it, which attaches back to the main Selkirk College logo. It will be rolled out on the Saints jerseys this fall.

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