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Over 275,000 vaccines delivered in Interior Health, pharmacy options open in the Kootenays

Administering the first COVID-19 vaccine dose in Interior Health on December 22nd, 2020, approximately 275,000 doses have now been given to residents.

“Interior Health’s immunization campaign is running at full speed and I couldn’t be more proud,” Susan Brown, Interior Health President and CEO. “This is our biggest tool in the fight against COVID-19.”

Brown said more than 35% of people in Interior Health have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

A coordinated effort between Interior Health, the First Nations Health Authority, First Nations communities, municipalities and regional districts, a total of 260,345 first doses have been delivered.

Anyone over 18 years of age can register for their COVID-19 vaccination to be notified when it is their turn to book an appointment.

Registering for vaccination can be done one of three ways:

  1. Online
  2. Phone
    • 1-833-838-2323
  3. In-person:

Besides the age-based vaccination program from the B.C. Government and Interior Health, anyone over the age of 30 can choose to get their COVID-19 vaccine from a local pharmacy. The Kootenays now has 10 participating pharmacies, according to the BC Pharmacy Association, six in Cranbrook and another four in Castlegar.

Interior Health said people can only schedule one appointment, either using the provincial registration system or through the pharmacy directly.

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