Local governments in the West Kootenay/Boundary and throughout BC are now launching committees to make their communities more accessible.
The new groups are provincially mandated.
Calling it a “groundbreaking move towards inclusivity and accessibility,” the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary said it’s seeking people “with lived and learned accessibility experience” to serve on its committee.
“Creating an inclusive, accessible region is not just a dream but a necessity,” corporate officer Anitra Winje said in a news release. “This is our chance to turn that dream into a reality. Join us, and let’s build a brighter future together.”
The committee’s term of two years will include four in-person meetings per year, and members will also have the option to participate virtually. Members are paid $100 per meeting.
Members must be actively involved with organizations for people with disabilities, be a caregiver for people with disabilities, or a person living with a disability.
The RDKB said it’s also seeking candidates to represent a broad range of groups such as Indigenous peoples, faith-based groups, LGBTQ+, newcomers, new Canadians, people living in poverty, people of diverse ethnic or cultural origin, seniors, women, and youth.
“Our regional district is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and accessible community for all our residents,” RDKB board chair Linda Worley said.”The launch of the accessibility advisory committee is a significant step towards this goal.”
To find out more and apply to serve on the committee, visit https://jointheconversation.rdkb.com/accessible-inclusive-rdkb. Fill out and submit the application form under “documents” to the right of the page.
Completed applications are due by Friday, Nov. 28 and may be submitted by email, mail or dropped off in-person at RDKB offices in Grand Forks or Trail.