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HomeNewsCity of Rossland seeking public input for new Accessibility Plan

City of Rossland seeking public input for new Accessibility Plan

The City of Rossland is seeking public input on the creation of a new Accessibility Plan, which aims to enhance the quality of life for residents irrespective of age, background, or ability.

The Accessibility Plan aims to eliminate barriers to accessibility within City spaces, programs, and services, ensuring every individual can actively engage in and contribute to the vibrancy of the community.

As part of this process, the City encourages the community to provide insight into shaping an inclusive and accessible Rossland.

“Everyone deserves to live in a community where accessibility and inclusivity are integrated into all aspects of public life,” said Councillor Maya Provencal.

“The Accessibility Plan is a huge step in this direction. I would encourage all Rossland residents with a stake in the issue of accessibility to participate in this work by filling out the survey or attending an engagement session.”

The City said that the feedback gathered during the public engagement phase will play a pivotal role in shaping the plan, guiding decisions on priorities and actions aimed at removing barriers to access in areas such as municipal transport, employment, buildings, communication, procurement, and more.

Feedback will be gathered from now until June 3. More information can be found here.

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