On Monday, March 17, 2024, at 3:07pm frontline Trail and Greater District RCMP and BC Highway Patrol officers received a report about a 52-year-old Nelson man driving his vehicle erratically on Highway 22, near Genelle. Officers located the man and his vehicle and detained it roadside.
A BC Highway Patrol officer observed the man’s ability to operate a motor vehicle may be impaired. A demand was read to the man who provided a breath sample roadside that resulted in a ‘pass’. The driver showed the officer that he was wearing a prescribed transdermal Fentanyl patch on his arm. The officer conducted a short investigation including consulting a medical professional then concluded that this medication caused significant impairment to the man’s ability to drive.
The 52-year-old Nelson man was issued a 24-hour Immediate Roadside Prohibition (IRP) under Section 215 of the BC Motor Vehicle Act. His vehicle was impounded due to numerous deficiencies located by the officer.
“Medication can play a serious role in impairment. Please consult with your doctor and follow all directions if you are taking any prescription medical that may affect your ability to drive.” says Sgt. Mike Wicentowich.
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