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HomeNewsProvincial NewsRebates from ICBC being sent out to customers

Rebates from ICBC being sent out to customers

ICBC is beginning to send out its $110 rebate to eligible customers.

The rebates total $410 million, and applies to all personal and commercial customers who had an active eligible basic insurance policy in January of this year.

“This rebate is just one small way for ICBC to give back to its customers as we all navigate global economic uncertainty and increased costs in the face of unjustified tariffs.” said Garry Begg, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General.

Those eligible will get a letter from ICBC detailing their rebate amount and payment method, according to how they paid for insurance.

This is ICBC’s fifth rebate since February 2021.

More detailed information about the rebate can be found on ICBC’s website here.

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