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HomeNewsRiverfront Centre opens Monday

Riverfront Centre opens Monday

Monday will be a historic day for the City of Trail. The grand opening ceremony for the new Riverfront Centre Library-Museum happens that morning.

The new $8.4 million facility will house the new integrated library and museum as well as Trail’s Visitor Centre.

The city’s communication and events coordinator Andrea Jolly says lots of people are getting excited about Monday’s grand opening ceremony. She hopes to see a big turnout.

Those interested in being among the first to tour the building will first need to check in at the tour voucher booth. Jolly says there will be five tours throughout the day and they’ll try to fit in 100 people each time.

Trail City Council approved the project in late 2015. The official groundbreaking ceremony took place in 2016. The completion date was pushed back a few months due to challenges with winter weather hampering the delivery of construction supplies in a few instances.

Jolly says the building looks great.

The ceremony will include food and light refreshments.

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