Gordon Lamont says there are some changes he wants to help bring to Castlegar City Council. He’s been a resident for 51 years and is running for a council seat on October 20.
In today’s world of instant communication, Lamont feels there needs to be a quicker and better way to keep citizens informed. “We as a city and as a council need to get our information out as quickly as we can, not in some long drawn out, where as, for as type thing. Just quite simple, to the point, this is what we did last week and this is what we’re trying to get done for next week, or next month, or next year.”
Lamont currently owns his own home reno and repair company. He says one the qualities he’s developed throughout his career that he would bring to the council table is being a good problem solver. “There’s problems that everyday you run into something and you need to solve it. How do I get here, how do I do that. That’s what I would like to do with the City. Just be the problem solver or the person who can think outside the box and say, hold it, we don’t have to do it that way, we can do it this way.”
Another issue Lamont wants changed is the City’s development costs which he feels has driven away builders.