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RDKB now offering FireSmart rebates

Homeowners in the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) now have the opportunity to enhance the wildfire resiliency of their homes at half the cost, with the RDKB announcing the launch of its Residential FireSmart Rebate Program.

Rebates ranging from $500 to $5,000 are now available to homeowners who have (or plan to have) an RDKB FireSmart assessment done on their homes.

The program is designed as a 50 per cent cost-share, meaning for every dollar spent on eligible FireSmart activities, homeowners can receive 50 cents back, up to $5,000.

The funds are available on a first-come, first-served basis, with the goal of allowing more residents the opportunity to reduce the wildfire risk around their properties and communities.

Eligible activities include replacing combustible building materials with fire-resistant materials, such as siding, roofs, doors, and windows, and removing or maintaining vegetation surrounding their homes.

“We are incredibly excited to be able to offer this funding from the province and distribute it to our residents who are willing to do the FireSmart mitigation work around their homes. I think this will incentivize our residents to engage more with our FireSmart program and obtain that free FireSmart assessment,” said Carlene Pires, RDKB’s Emergency Program/FireSmart Coordinator.

“Any additional costs that can be reimbursed for homeowners just further enhance the opportunity to increase education and awareness and be proactive on our residents’ properties.”

The RDKB will be accepting applications for the 2024 intake until October 31.

All mitigation work and efforts must be completed by the application deadline, but Pires said residents who want to complete any work after the deadline can apply again in 2025 to be reimbursed for any additional costs.

Residents must document all work using the RDKB’s Rebate Application Form, tracking both personal labour (valued at $32 per hour) and any hired contractors or materials.

Applications must include photos and receipts and should be submitted to [email protected].

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